The Alabama Catfish: Learn About Them At Alabama Aquariums

What’s With Alabama Catfish?

One of Alabama’s aquatic treasures is the Alabama catfish. For some reason, the fish is very abundant in the state and has become a source of recreational activity for many of its residents. There are often many competitions at lakes and rivers concerning catching the largest ones. Some of them end up as trophies back at home.

These are many of the common knowledge I got in Alabama. However, in order to broaden my awareness about them, I do research about catfishes at aquariums, specifically at the Shoals Aquarium and Nature Center. Here, I was able to learn, not only about exotic fish, but also about fish famous in the state from the fish caretakers themselves.

Catfish are freshwater creatures, thus living at lakes and rivers—as mentioned before. They’re referred by their name because of their barbells which resemble cat whiskers. These species actually reach up to 30 inches and even larger in the state. At the same time, because of their heavy bone structure, they are more likely to sink, rather than float.

Aside from these, catfish do not have scales. They actually produce mucus like substances on their body because of their body’s respiration—since fishes get to breathe through their skin. There are actually many types of catfish in the world and common varieties in the state of Alabama are Flathead catfish and Blue catfish.

How Can I Get To Learn About Fishes In Aquariums Without Spending Too Much?

These are some of the facts I gathered about catfishes. I’m actually learning a lot as I visit the aquarium. You can also learn a lot about, not only catfish, but other types of aquatic creatures too, if you visit aquariums in your state! They supply the best types of information any person with the interest in the sea will ever need.

If you’re nervous about spending too much on admission prices, do what I do! I always have with me printable Alabama aquarium coupons. For an aquarium buff like me, I make sure I have these. I get to save on prices on food and merchandise too.

So, if you have any questions, feel free to email me at

About Alabama Aquariums Reviews

I'm an avid sea creatures fan and right now, I'm exploring aquariums found in Alabama. If you want information about this, my email is

Alabama Aquariums Reviews Links

For other information regarding the aquariums of Alabama, the following links will help you:

Oceaning Website On Shoals Aquarium and Nature Center

Alabama Aquarium Coupons